Fundamental Guarantees in European Judicial Proceedings:
Coexistence, Comparison and Conflicts Among Legal Systems
Roma, 21 e 22 settembre 2017


Co-sponsored by the Universities of Rome “Unitelma Sapienza” and “La Sapienza”, and under the auspices of European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration, the Conference on “Fundamental Guarantees in European Judicial Proceedings: Coexistence, Comparison and Conflicts Among Legal Systems” will take place on 21 and 22 September 2017.

The Conference is aimed to discuss the interplay between European and Member States fundamental principles governing judicial proceedings.

The First Session will focus on the relationship between European and National systems of judicial protection within the EU public order. It will also include a discussion of topics such as the role of loyal cooperation, the role of international non-binding instruments, particularly in the external dimension of the EU migration policy, and the extraterritorial reach of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The Second Session will focus on the principles and rules governing the fundamental principles ensured by European Law in the context of the EU action in the wider world. This Session will deal, inter alia, with issues such as the access to justice in EU Foreign and Security Policy, the role of UN rules and standards in EU decision-making in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, and the external dimension of the EU action under the AFSJ. Issues related to the rule of law and the fundamental guarantees in criminal justice systems will be integral part of the discussion in this Session.

Coordinatore Scientifico: Nicola Napoletano (Ricercatore e Professore aggregato di Diritto internazionale;
Sede: Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Sala delle Lauree, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 – Roma (Italy)
Modulo di registrazione
Per ulteriori informazioni: Nicola Napoletano (